Thursday, April 23, 2015

C4K Summary for April

C4K #8 Blog Post Summary

I was assigned to Conner K's Blog this week in Mrs Lombard's class. On his blog post he talked about how school baseball has been fun for him this year. His team is undefeated with a record of 5-0 right now. His game the night before his blog post his team won against a school called Mount Saint Mary's with a score of 21-0. Conner K plays all positions in the outfield and he looks forward to the next season.

C4K#8 Comment

Good Job! How long have you been playing baseball? It sounds like you really enjoy playing the game of baseball. Best of luck on your next game, I know you will do well.

C4K #9 Blog Post Summary

This week I was assigned a student named Brody. In his blog post he talks about his school which is a farming school. Most of the students at this school have parents who are farmers and they also learn about farming. Brody also talks about the different cities in New Zealand. He lives in Taranaki, New Zealand which has a population of 109,700. There are lots of cultures in New Zealand such as Maori, Chinese, and Indian.

C4K #9 Comment

Hi Brody, My name is Alexis I am a junior at the University of South Alabama. I find it quite interesting that your school only has 9 classrooms. Since your school is a farming school do they teach you a lot about farming? I have never heard of your city Taranaki. I plan to do some research on your city to learn more about where you are from.

C4K #10 Blog Post Summary

 This week I was assigned Marvina. Her blog post was about how did April fools day begin. Her answer was through the adoption of a new calender in 1582.

C4K #10 Comment

 Great Post Marvina. You are absolutely right that the adoption of the new calendar is how April fools first started. Apparently Pope Gregory XIII started the calender for the Christians of Europe. This changed the beginning of the year from April 1st to January 1st. There were some people who still celebrated the beginning of the year on April 1st, and they were called the April Fools.

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